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Can You Find All the Emojis in Emoji Scavenger Hunt?

Emoji Scavenger Hunt: A Fun Game Powered by AI

Do you love emojis? Do you love scavenger hunts? Do you love artificial intelligence? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you will love Emoji Scavenger Hunt, a fun game that combines all of these elements. In this article, we will tell you what Emoji Scavenger Hunt is, how to play it, why you should play it, and how it works. Let's get started!

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What is Emoji Scavenger Hunt?

Emoji Scavenger Hunt is an experiment that leverages the power of neural networks and your phone's camera to identify the real world versions of the emojis we use every day. The game is powered by Tensorflow.jsTensorFlows open-source framework for machine learning with JavaScript. It's built to run efficiently on your web browser without needing round trips to the server. Happy emoji hunting!

How to play Emoji Scavenger Hunt

Playing Emoji Scavenger Hunt is easy and fun. All you need is your phone and a sense of adventure. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Go to the website

The first thing you need to do is go to on your phone. You can use any browser that supports Tensorflow.js, such as Chrome or Safari. You don't need to download or install anything.

Step 2: Tap the Let's Play button

Once you are on the website, you will see a big Let's Play button. Tap it to start the game. You will also see some instructions on how to play and some information about how the game works. You can read them if you want, or skip them if you are eager to play.

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Step 3: Find the emojis in real life

After tapping Let Step 3: Find the emojis in real life

After tapping Let's Play, you will see an emoji on your screen, such as a ? or a ?. You will also see a timer counting down from 20 seconds. Your goal is to find the real life object that matches the emoji and point your phone's camera at it. For example, if you see a ?, you can look for an apple in your kitchen or in a fruit basket. If you see a ?, you can look for a dog in your house or on the street.

Step 4: Tap Next Emoji to continue

Once you find the object and point your camera at it, the game will recognize it and give you a positive feedback, such as "Nice!" or "You got it!". You will also see a Next Emoji button on the bottom of your screen. Tap it to move on to the next emoji. The game will get harder as you progress, giving you more obscure or challenging emojis to find. You will also have less time to find them, so be quick and creative!

Why play Emoji Scavenger Hunt?

You might be wondering why you should play Emoji Scavenger Hunt. Well, there are many reasons to do so, but here are some of the main ones:

It's fun and challenging

Emoji Scavenger Hunt is a fun game that will test your observation skills, your memory, and your imagination. You will have to think fast and use your surroundings to find the emojis. You will also have to deal with the pressure of the timer and the increasing difficulty of the game. It's a great way to have some fun and challenge yourself.

It's educational and creative

Emoji Scavenger Hunt is also an educational game that will teach you about neural networks and how they work. You will learn how they can recognize objects in images and how they can run on your web browser using Tensorflow.js. You will also learn about some of the limitations and challenges of neural networks, such as accuracy and speed. Moreover, Emoji Scavenger Hunt is a creative game that will inspire you to look at the world in a different way. You will discover new connections between emojis and real life objects, and you will use your imagination to find them.

It's free and accessible

Another reason to play Emoji Scavenger Hunt is that it's free and accessible. You don't need to pay anything or download anything to play it. You just need your phone and a web browser that supports Tensorflow.js. You can play it anywhere and anytime, as long as you have an internet connection. You can also share it with your friends and family, and challenge them to beat your score.

How does Emoji Scavenger Hunt work?

Now that you know what Emoji Scavenger Hunt is and how to play it, you might be curious about how it works behind the scenes. Here are some of the technical details that make this game possible:

It uses neural networks and your phone's camera

A neural network is a type of machine learning model that can learn from data and perform tasks such as classification, regression, or generation. In this case, Emoji Scavenger Hunt uses a neural network called MobileNet, which is designed to run efficiently on mobile devices. MobileNet can classify images into 1000 categories, such as animals, plants, food, vehicles, etc. Emoji Scavenger Hunt uses MobileNet to analyze the images captured by your phone's camera and compare them with the emoji that you are looking for.

It runs on Tensorflow.js in your web browser

Tensorflow.js is an open-source framework for machine learning with JavaScript. It allows you to run pre-trained models or train your own models in your web browser or on Node.js. Tensorflow.js makes machine learning more accessible and interactive, as you don't need any special hardware or software to use it. Emoji Scavenger Hunt uses Tensorflow.js to run MobileNet in your web browser without needing any server-side processing or communication. This makes the game faster and more responsive.

It respects your privacy and security

You might be concerned about your privacy and security when playing Emoji Scavenger Hunt. After all, you are giving access to your phone's camera and sending images over the internet. However, you don't need to worry about that, as Emoji Scavenger Hunt respects your privacy and security in several ways:

It only asks

  • It only asks for your camera permission when you start the game, and you can revoke it at any time.

  • It does not store or transmit any of the images captured by your camera. The images are processed locally on your device and deleted immediately after.

  • It does not collect or share any personal information about you or your device. The game is purely for entertainment and educational purposes.

Therefore, you can play Emoji Scavenger Hunt with confidence and peace of mind.


Emoji Scavenger Hunt is a fun game that uses neural networks and your phone's camera to find emojis in real life. It's powered by Tensorflow.js, which allows you to run machine learning models in your web browser. It's also free and accessible, as you don't need to download or install anything to play it. It's also educational and creative, as you will learn about neural networks and how they work, and you will use your imagination to find the emojis. It's also respectful of your privacy and security, as it does not store or transmit any of the images captured by your camera, and it does not collect or share any personal information about you or your device.

If you are looking for a fun and challenging game that will test your observation skills, your memory, and your imagination, then you should try Emoji Scavenger Hunt. You will have a blast finding emojis in real life, and you will also learn something new along the way. So what are you waiting for? Grab your phone and start hunting!


Here are some frequently asked questions about Emoji Scavenger Hunt:

  • How many emojis are there in the game?

There are over 100 emojis in the game, ranging from common ones like ? and ? to rare ones like ? and ?. The game will randomly select an emoji for you to find each time you play.

  • How do I know if I found the right object?

The game will tell you if you found the right object by giving you a positive feedback, such as "Nice!" or "You got it!". You will also see a green check mark on the emoji on your screen. If you did not find the right object, the game will tell you that you are wrong by giving you a negative feedback, such as "Nope!" or "Try again!". You will also see a red cross mark on the emoji on your screen.

  • What happens if I run out of time?

If you run out of time before finding the emoji, the game will end and you will see your score. You can try again by tapping the Play Again button on the bottom of your screen.

  • What is my score based on?

Your score is based on how many emojis you found and how fast you found them. You will get more points for finding more emojis and finding them quickly. You will also get bonus points for finding rare or hard emojis.

  • How can I improve my score?

You can improve your score by practicing more and getting familiar with the emojis and their real life counterparts. You can also improve your score by being more observant and creative when looking for the emojis in your surroundings. You can also improve your score by using hints or clues that might help you find the emojis, such as colors, shapes, sounds, smells, etc.


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